Sunday 11 March 2018

Strengths and weaknesses


    A Sunday morning- Morning followed by a peaceful night after completion of the first session of exams. I woke up refreshed and revived. After getting done with gardening, I was all set with a mug of coffee and newspaper. I went through the news of terrorism, fraud, scandals, crimes, some amazing "life living" articles, technology track and much more. But what landed me into pondering pool was an amazing triggering article about an amputee. It comprised of his extraordinarily ordinary lifestyle. It was about how he manages to live on his feet, though technically he doesn’t have one. His daily routine composed of each and everything like any accustomed human. But, the prodigious thing is that he is a cubist painter! Yes, you read it right. he is a painter. He makes paintings by placing a pencil and paintbrush between his toes. He is alike in all ways other than physical appearance. One particular thing that he stated was really something that instigated me to think upon. He told that sometimes he is being asked, looking at his paintings no one could say that it was made by an amputee, so if you were an ordinary human you could have been an even greater painter, to which he replies calmly that he is in this position only because he is an amputee. He further said that "if I were normal I might not have put these much efforts in my work or rather I would not have a need to. And being an amputee I needed to put some extra efforts and that is what really colored my life and not just my paintings. My weakness made me stronger and my defect added an effect to my painting."
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     The last two lines of him "My weakness made me stronger, my disability became an ability and my defect added an effect to my painting." this made me contemplated. I got trapped in a maze of questions. What is our weakness? Have our strengths become our weakness?  Or do we ever make an effort to overcome our weakness or just find a loophole? Or do we realize the strength of our strength? Do we value what we have got or keep going after what we don't have? I was in a dilemma, considerable chaos. Actually, the problem is, we are great in looking at the invalidating side of everything, overlooking its positive side. We are so occupied with looking for low or bad things that we really miss out on all the good things. we fail to look at our strength and are busy making a thing our weakness which is not actually a weakness. It is a matter of human tendency. We don't really have those many real weaknesses compared to the weaknesses that are self-made or we consider as one. We are never grateful for what we have got and always keep complaining and nagging about what we have not. If we have got something bad, we want something good, if we have got something good, we desire for better, when we acquire better, we wish for best and this best remains best till someone else gets the same. After that best will fall down to good category. The point is, we care least about what we have. What we have is only our strength. In fact, we are busy making our strengths our weakness. Being so, we don't value ourselves being normal, being fully abled, being capable and competent. We generally pay no heed to our inherent senses and serviceable limbs. Because we have got it all. We nag about not having branded pairs of shoes, see an amputee and you will forget it all. Your body, your brains, and your heart are your real assets. Take good care of it. These are the treasures one can have.
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It is very unfortunate to know that it is generally a loss which develops the value of the thing. One's greatest strengths are a positive attitude, satisfaction, good health, and hard work. Because your life is only as good as your mindset.