Saturday 3 March 2018

Letter to son

Dear son,
                    Today is your 18th birthday and I was really looking forward to this day. Not because I intend to organize any surprise, nor I want to put any responsibility on your shoulders. You might be expecting some celebration and now you must be wondering what weirdest gift your dad is giving you. But my dear, this is priceless. Now, when you have grown up to legal age, I choose to give you a little piece of advice from my experiences.

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                  Son, you always joke that I love your sister more than you or I have been tougher on you. Yes, I have been tough, because she has got a special place in my heart. Then you, what about you, right? If she has got a special place in my heart than you are a piece of it, my dear. And I always wanted that a piece of my heart never breaks. Therefore, I've always tried to make it stronger to make you responsible, that was not my toughness, that was my affection, my care, my tenderness, my way of loving my son.  I always want to see you growing, see you bloom. You will not understand the feeling of being a father, son. You don’t know how special did I feel when you entered this world, when you entered my life, when I took you in my arms for the first time, a tiny little baby not even the size of my palms sleeping peacefully in my arms. That feeling cannot be described through words. When I touched you for the first time, the sense of victory that you are my blood, my son, my child, my possession, you really don’t know my son, you really don’t. I feel the happiest when I recall this feeling. You are the one who made me more responsible for making me a father. You made me a little more sensitive and a little tougher. When you were a child and were sitting on my shoulders roving, I was enjoying a lot, a lot more than you. When you off your bicycle and got a wounded your knee, your mom asked you to get aided and I asked you not to stop and continue with your ride. Because your mom wants to save you from all the pains and I want to prepare you for all of them. When you won even the smallest competitions in your school, I was the happiest, you will not know how ecstatic is to see your child doing well, your seed coming out as a plant. And now, when my plant is ready to take out its new branches, to transform into a tree. I want that tree to hold sweet juicy fruits along with glossy green leaves. I want you to be a person who is successful but gentle as well. So here I want to share a few things which I learned from my experiences, my grey days and my shiny days.
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Son, you will find a variety of people in your path, some will be there to lift you up and some to pull you down. You won’t always get a plain simple may come across some thorns too, and this is where the real test of life lies. You have to decide for yourself and recognize what is good for you and what is not. All this is very ambiguous. you may not make the right decisions always, failure may cross your path, learn from the failures,  failure is the best teacher, everything and everyone will teach you what to do and how to do, but only the failure will teach you what not to do. Always stay focused and enjoy your life to the fullest but never get deviated from your goals. Always give your best, no matter how small the thing is! Never give up on someone or something you love my dear, the path may be uphill and the battle may be tough but giving up is permanent. Seeing you on heights will make me the most blessed person. I will take pride in being called by your name my dear. Being your cheerleader is my favorite thing to do!

           Amidst all these, don,t forget about your inner growth and satisfaction. learn to stay satisfied, that does not mean you would not grow further or what you have is enough, it just means you will have to be patient enough for the things to come. You may sometimes feel shattered or broken and feel like crying, cry it out, its always okay to cry but it's never okay to run away. You will get people advising you, putting up their opinion and you have to listen to those, but do what you feel right, what your heart says and what is right, it's solely in your hands, what to believe and what not to. Never underestimate yourself, always have faith in you and always trust yourself because, if you will not then who will, son? Look out for a life partner who does not just give you all the happiness but always be your strength in your gloomy days. In front of whom you can cry on your sunny day and can dance with on your shiny days. Find friends who will always be there with you, if they can not bring you happiness, they will surely reduce your pain. If you are happy doing what you love having the people you love around you, then you are the richest person, my dear. A happy heart and a home filled with love should be your assets and you're supposed to keep them safe. Never ever hurt anyone’s emotions and always respect others. Mistakes happen in life, everyone does some, but trust yourself, try to correct your mistake. Remember, mistakes are always forgivable if one has the courage to accept them. Never forget people who have ever helped you. You have just got one life, live it rightfully, enjoy to the fullest, don’t forget your existence in this world has some purpose, and give meaning to your existence, give meaning to your life. This world is full of nice people, and if you don’t find one, be one.
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         You will not understand all the things I said but, try to inculcate these in your life. Whenever you are confused or in any dilemma, read this out and try finding your answer.  You have always made me proud, even when you were in your mother’s womb. You have always given me the reason to smile, a reason to be proud of. You must know your father will always be with you, no matter what. You must know that I will watch over you, will protect you and will love you even after I am gone, because you will always be my baby. I love you. Happy birthday once again.
 Love you,         
Your dad.

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