Saturday 31 March 2018

After this day...


               Imagine - How do you feel encountering any serious diseases, illness or injury? Just before a day, you were living your life joyfully, spending your days merrily and then all of sudden u meet severe alarming accident! Yes, really excruciating! you don't know what is going to happen very next moment, whether you are fortunate enough to see tomorrow or not, trying to recollect your journey, every effective moment and junctures flashing through your eyes through your mind and heart,  hoping for being favored and being able to make more memories tomorrow.  Lying in bed with eyes open and ears closed, agony in and comfort out, under constant observation.  Continuous fear of losing out on breaths and so this priceless life. Regretting the fallacious decisions you made or opportunities you lost and urging to get up tomorrow and editing all those mistakes and misconstrue. You are having fifties of dear friends and relatives and you will be caring only about your parents, siblings, wife, and children.

         Let us live our lives in the manner that when we come across our very last moments our weighing gauge bends more to the side of good memories and not to the unpleasant ones. We have more numbers of decisions to be thankful for rather than regretting them. We have more number of relatives and friends praying for us instead of having the one cursing us silently. We have more contentment of what we did instead of regretting what we did not do. And now after all these, when you come to know, you are out of all endangerment, you are blessed to see tomorrow, you are fortunate to weave more memories, you have opportunity to edit your deeds, you have opportunity to put in efforts and fulfill your dreams, you are blessed  to get up walk, run, jump and dance. Though you are on hospital bed, you are the ecstatic person. Though u aren't fully healed or would say majorly sick and having aches and pains, you just feel relaxed and grateful. And this one day….just one day will change you inside out, totally. 😇 Change for good, for well-being, and solely for your own self. This real you may be a person were never aware of or you yourself murdered it. You come to know about your value, your image, your esteem in your eyes. You stop taking this priceless life for granted.  When you recall your endeavors, your deeds you did throughout your life, you either rise up or will fall down in your eyes. You get to know how you actually feel about yourself. You come to know about the changes you shall make with your life, the turns you should take in life. You know about your strength. You will be able to segregate real happiness and surreal fun. Where you should invest your time and where its time to take away your investments from. This new person who is reborn today is way better than a person he was yesterday. Now, instead of taking all the moments for granted he will actually enjoy them, feel them, live them .he will be able to uncover the real treasure of happy life.   Now, when he will be actually living his last day, he would be little less regretting, he would be little less sad, he would be little more satisfied and little stronger. The counts of his good deeds will be more than the bad ones. And now this soul who left this world will actually rest in peace. 😊

Image result for happy life

Why do we really need to undergo this painful phase to be a good person, to be a better human?  we really do not need to have worse yesterday to make better tomorrow. we really do not need to lose ourselves in process of gaining ourselves.

         Spend some time with yourself, this will actually help to know yourself more and better. Value each moment of your life, each second, each minute, each day. Spare time for the things you love to do. Spare time for your hobby. Have time for your family, your friends, and your closed ones. Sometimes,  Its okay to literally do nothing and chit chatting and passing time. Follow your heart and stop living on other's procrastination. Live your life to the fullest. 💜

       Because we don't really need to see a bad today in making good tomorrow. So live your life before life leaves you.💙