Monday 19 November 2018

Being a man


Cheers to the aesthetic creation of god – Man! As a woman, I had always been thinking  about all the perks of being a man, all the freedom that they enjoy,  and all the power they are favoured with. Overlooking the fact – Great responsibilities come with great power! We always talk about upsides of being a man, why no one talks about downsides of being a man? I have always seen people jawing about how facile it is to be a man. But down the line, the upsetting reality is that man himself doesn’t feel this way and what is more distressing is that he has got no one to talk about this or rather I would say he chooses not to share. Why?

Men are mistaken as careless creature. They are being stated as mischievous trouble makers, quoting  - “ Men will be men.”  Resilient and flat are what they are being thought as! If a man is expressive he’s being mocked out about his sentimental nature, considering  it as not-so-manly attribute. If he is not expressive, he’s mistaken as toneless and unemotional.
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From early years he is being taught to be tough and resilient. A brother sacrifices chocolates for his sister, a son sacrifices his dreams for his family, a lover sacrifices his earnings and time for his lady love, a father sacrifices his needs for his children and all these priceless sacrifices are referred as his duty, inevitable!  Man’s life is always full of drastic changes which are unpreventable. But the thing is, he is never told how special he is. He is always being judged for his actions and his choices if it doesn’t match the fixed societal mould. It is always his cold heart and hot head which are subjects of discussions.  

Let’s talk about his innocent smile he keeps intact on his face after a long tiring day for his loved ones. Let us talk about his selfless nature and expecting nothing but just the betterment of his dear ones.  Let us talk about all the responsibilities he carries on his shoulders without any complaints.  Let us talk about the child he has been hiding inside him which constantly seeks attention and wants to get rewarded. Let us talk about his secretly caring and modest nature which we fall for. Let us talk about his invincible and tender personality which makes him. Let us talk openly to our dear mates and  try making them feel special as he sincerely deserves that.

We feel so honoured to be surrounded by gentlemen and are proud of you.


Thursday 27 September 2018

Being average!

Hello, world!

                       I hope all you human beings are doing (actually) good. I am AVERAGE, the major community on earth, and writing this to get rid of all the false notions that people have developed regarding me. I feel really low when you fail to perceive my beauty and genuineness and instead of accepting me the way I am, you have started digging out the ways to eradicate me. Probably, because you’re not aware of the “real me”. Let me project myself in a better way.

         I am average – the quality which everyone possesses in a majority of the tasks. I was born with you only and getting older with you. I am helping you do things better and in most convenient ways. I have slight animosity with my first cousin – dullness, and that is why I am not allowing him to reside in you, but at the same time I am his elder brother, so can’t just abolish his existence, but definitely trying to reduce it. I am the type of creature who is most adaptable and adjustable as well. I would give you enough space to play around me and to experiment with me. Most of the times I am enough for you, in fact, best for you, but you fail to realize my importance. You can communicate with every class,I will allow you to be yourself in all the ways possible.  I assure you that you will never feel ejected because of me. I make you content with your life only if you get acquainted with me in a real sense. I am a good boy who always makes sure that people surrounded by me are not sad at least, if not happy. I am a multitasker, I can take up many activities at a time and be good enough at it, if not the best. Also, I am not self-obsessed, in fact, I have got pretty mixing nature, I provide a room for every emotion to fit in, I allow you to be yourself in a true sense.  I am a gentleman, living for my girlfriend – satisfaction. She is way prettier and soothing, trust me. But, at times you people don’t let us stay together. You think I am not good for her and SHE DESERVES BETTER. But no, she stays happy with me only, if you think my way.  I am a flexible person with not many high expectations, so doing little good will make me happy, good for satisfaction, right? I don't demand much and just wants her to exist forever. But you people don't want me to be with her. Even though I offer you the room for yourself, your comfort zone, your existence, your desires, your progress everything, you still don’t like me.   I keep motivating you for better and pushing you forward towards better to meet my brother – excellence. He’s best among all of us, but very difficult to please and keep. He demands a great amount in terms of efforts but he's of supreme quality. I just love him, of course, he is decent to my girlfriend too. He’s superior to me in every possible way, but at the same time, he is pricey too. I am your good wisher, I want you to have him. But you're just being ridiculous, you don't want to work hard enough, and then blame me for everything. Wow! You desire my girlfriend – satisfaction but have issues with me? Oh hello, even she's a nice girl, accept me first, only then she will come to you, you fool. Excuse my language, but now I’ve had enough. I’ve tried enough to save myself and tired of hiding behind fake smartness. Stop losing the amazing you in order to avoid me and meet my elder brother. My brother will himself come to meet you if you accept me wholeheartedly, in fact, I would also help you in doing this. Just stop making anyone possessing me to feel low, and accept them the way they are. Don't fool yourself by not befriending me and running away from me, as your way to happiness, satisfaction and excellence pass through me only and I am here to make you a better person and nothing else.

             I hope now you will realize your worth, having me in you and don’t let yourself or anyone else regret about having me. Looking forward to the quick acceptance and good change

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,
Mr. Average.  

Wednesday 15 August 2018

Independence Day Special!

Happy Independence Day to all! Independence day is being commemorated on August 15, every year to celebrate the nation’s freedom from the British domain after almost 200 years of darkness.
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"By independence, we have lost the excuse of blaming the British for anything going wrong. If hereafter things go wrong, we will have nobody to blame except ourselves. There is a great danger of things going wrong.” Seventy - two years ago, Babasaheb Ambedkar made this prophetic observation in his very last Constituent Assembly speech. There were times when India was known as “Sone ki chidiya” (golden sparrow),  and today, there are times when brain drain is hotfoot. As of today, while celebrating 72 nd Independence Day, we perceive that things are going fearfully dicey, owing to the fact that the rise of communal and fascist forces control the State apparatus.The political parties which just gloats to work honestly and in reality overlooks the plights that citizens of the country are going through and is more indulged in exclusive benefits of the party are somewhere the reason behind the current critical condition of the nation. The religion which is supposed to bind the community together, the people together has now been a major weapon and the cause behind all the communal riots and the stone around which dirty politics is being woven around.

Image result for critical condition of india Image result for critical condition of india

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The freedom struggle gave us a creative, broad, constructive and inclusive idea of nation. But the narrative of nationalism today is going against that vision. The policies of the government have caused distress to all sections of the working people. Old India used to be enriched in almost every aspect, from safety to health, from the government to society, and from food to education.  

The day when the daughters of the country will be able to roam fearlessly, that would be the real Independence Day. The day when a person would procure satisfaction from his government would be a true Independence. The day where no inequality would exist in any aspect would be real independence. Freedom is not just independence, it’s the whole eternal state.
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Happy Independence Day!

Sunday 12 August 2018

"Life without money - imaginable?"

Let me just spare a moment to anticipate the world existing without money. Nothing like money, bucks, boodle or anything of that sort exists on the planet.

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 Let's envisage our world without money! No world wars, no financial discrimination, no class bifurcation, less homelessness,  no theft crimes, no corruption, fewer rejections, less unwilling acceptances, fewer breakdowns, nothing will be a luxury anymore, prejudice won't exist any longer, fewer complications, more simplicity, less sadness, more happiness, less tension, more peace. How soothing does this sound! Adding just one buoyant element - MoNeY seizes this whole assertion. 

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Patently, This seems like a parallel world altogether.How much significance does this vital element call money held in our lives! But, if this is the case, would you still do what you are doing now? Would you still choose your current lifestyle? let's not allow EVERYthing to revolve around money. let's try to be little less materialistic and little more bona fide. 

Manifestly, it is impossible to think this way. But, thankfully imagination doesn't entail any levy.

Monday 18 June 2018



Love? What’s love? Love is not something which you feel in your heart, its something which you feel in your brains. A heart is so easy to get fooled, get perplexed amidst the pool of sentiments and mistakes it as love, brain clicks just for love, true love. I learned that when I fell in love with the idea of falling in Love. Love is not just concerning remembering birthdays, anniversaries or any other special dates. love is not just about greeting each other with morning and night messages every day, every night. Love is not facebook status, nor about sharing your Facebook password with your partner. Love is not about physical pleasure.  Love is not about gifting and hanging out together.

Love is about mental connection, mental synchronisation. Love is not about finding a perfect partner, its about making a perfect relationship. Love is not just a feeling, it is your own eternal state, your own internal state.  its all about how do you feel just by being with them, talking with them. Love is not just a want, its a need too.  It is about understanding the priorities. It is about making each other feel special on your own, not just with materialistic gifts. Love is like giving a revolver in someone’s hand, pointing right on your head and having trust that they will not pull the trigger. Love is giving the power to destroy you to someone, yet they protect you from the destroyers and make you stronger. Love is a weakness that makes you stronger. If your tiredness disappears just by talking to them, it is love. If you want to tell everything that happens with you to them, you are in love. If you spin your dreams with them in it, you are in love.  Love encases respect, compassion, peace and passion, sprinkling happiness everywhere. Love is not always pink and red, it comes with all the darker shades, offering you the potential to paint it pink and red. love is not measured in time, it is measured in moments. love is sailing together in the same boat in trembling ocean and during calm flow as well. 

Love lets you " BE YOU" without needing to change your originality.  Love is a feeling in which you will only rise even after falling into it. 

Tuesday 8 May 2018

I really wonder!

Sometimes I really wonder...

Sometimes I really wonder whether this new upcoming generation will ever be able to know the real pleasure of good old times? I wonder would they ever be able to know the happiness of playing cricket with friends on the ground and not just digital games?

I really wonder would they ever be able to experience the fun of playing marbles and tic tac toe?  Would they ever be able to experience the joy of birthday parties with friends and family at home and not at fancy hotels?

 I wonder how they would spend their summer vacations, going to summer camps and not playing  I spy, cricket and lagori with friends. Really? Is that even a vacation? Would they will ever be able to live a life with less homework and more work at home? Would today’s boys ever copy SRK’s pose and would girls ever get obsessed with Kareena’s fashion?  Would today’s generation be able to experience limitless pleasure of any firsts – like first car of family, first family trip to hill station, first pair of sports shoes, first pair of clothes of your choice, first movie in theatre, first bicycle, first ice gola of the season, going to play out without fail in first rains of season, any of these? Would they ever know the joy of sharing your summer vacation scenes with your school best friend as you were not in touch with her through the internet for all these time? Would they be able to feel on the top of the world when parents allow them to go to movie & dinner alone with friends for the first time? Would they ever know the glee of living in joint families with their uncle-aunt showering myriad love and grandparents telling stories to sleep? Would they ever be fortunate enough to play in a puddle, covered with mud from top to bottom,  and still not getting attacked with flu?

Sometimes, I really wonder what stories would they have to recall, or what incident would they laugh at? What innocent mischief would they do and what their memory bag would consist of?

Saturday 31 March 2018

After this day...


               Imagine - How do you feel encountering any serious diseases, illness or injury? Just before a day, you were living your life joyfully, spending your days merrily and then all of sudden u meet severe alarming accident! Yes, really excruciating! you don't know what is going to happen very next moment, whether you are fortunate enough to see tomorrow or not, trying to recollect your journey, every effective moment and junctures flashing through your eyes through your mind and heart,  hoping for being favored and being able to make more memories tomorrow.  Lying in bed with eyes open and ears closed, agony in and comfort out, under constant observation.  Continuous fear of losing out on breaths and so this priceless life. Regretting the fallacious decisions you made or opportunities you lost and urging to get up tomorrow and editing all those mistakes and misconstrue. You are having fifties of dear friends and relatives and you will be caring only about your parents, siblings, wife, and children.

         Let us live our lives in the manner that when we come across our very last moments our weighing gauge bends more to the side of good memories and not to the unpleasant ones. We have more numbers of decisions to be thankful for rather than regretting them. We have more number of relatives and friends praying for us instead of having the one cursing us silently. We have more contentment of what we did instead of regretting what we did not do. And now after all these, when you come to know, you are out of all endangerment, you are blessed to see tomorrow, you are fortunate to weave more memories, you have opportunity to edit your deeds, you have opportunity to put in efforts and fulfill your dreams, you are blessed  to get up walk, run, jump and dance. Though you are on hospital bed, you are the ecstatic person. Though u aren't fully healed or would say majorly sick and having aches and pains, you just feel relaxed and grateful. And this one day….just one day will change you inside out, totally. 😇 Change for good, for well-being, and solely for your own self. This real you may be a person were never aware of or you yourself murdered it. You come to know about your value, your image, your esteem in your eyes. You stop taking this priceless life for granted.  When you recall your endeavors, your deeds you did throughout your life, you either rise up or will fall down in your eyes. You get to know how you actually feel about yourself. You come to know about the changes you shall make with your life, the turns you should take in life. You know about your strength. You will be able to segregate real happiness and surreal fun. Where you should invest your time and where its time to take away your investments from. This new person who is reborn today is way better than a person he was yesterday. Now, instead of taking all the moments for granted he will actually enjoy them, feel them, live them .he will be able to uncover the real treasure of happy life.   Now, when he will be actually living his last day, he would be little less regretting, he would be little less sad, he would be little more satisfied and little stronger. The counts of his good deeds will be more than the bad ones. And now this soul who left this world will actually rest in peace. 😊

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Why do we really need to undergo this painful phase to be a good person, to be a better human?  we really do not need to have worse yesterday to make better tomorrow. we really do not need to lose ourselves in process of gaining ourselves.

         Spend some time with yourself, this will actually help to know yourself more and better. Value each moment of your life, each second, each minute, each day. Spare time for the things you love to do. Spare time for your hobby. Have time for your family, your friends, and your closed ones. Sometimes,  Its okay to literally do nothing and chit chatting and passing time. Follow your heart and stop living on other's procrastination. Live your life to the fullest. 💜

       Because we don't really need to see a bad today in making good tomorrow. So live your life before life leaves you.💙

Friday 23 March 2018

I want to be a child again!

            I was on my way back home on a toasty evening with the sun unveiling its darkest shade. I reached, parked my vehicle, took my bag, and started heading towards home. Suddenly, a ball came rolling to my feet, and witnessed the most beautiful sight. I saw the huddle of children playing, carrying a bundle of laughter, the happiest, and the most innocent creatures! One of them fell down and the other two were laughing and helping him to get up, one of them was crying probably because other kids were not letting him play with them considering him too young to join them, these childhood norms I tell you! A couple of kids was fighting over a first batting.  Three of them were discussing their favorite cartoon and were getting excited about the next episode. One of the kids waved at me and gestured to give their ball. I picked it up and threw it towards them. A kid caught the ball and I got caught up in my golden memories of my childhood. My all-time beautiful and most awaited summer vacation, and carefree childhood. Nostalgia took me over and got ported to the child version of mine. A summer evening! Summer evenings used to be the most beautiful phase of my life until just a few years ago. A time that used to be most-awaited, most lived, most cheerful! How different were those days WHEN I WAS A CHILD.!!!!
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Childhood - the only phase of our life which we actually live selflessly. Childhood - forget the worries and get lost in your own world. childhood -  eat, sleep, study, and play. Childhood – bournvita and cartoon network. Childhood – no expectations, no disappointments. Childhood – a toffee makes your day. Childhood – forgive and forget. Childhood – shaktimaan and shakalaka boom boom. Childhood – nobody complains about you and you don't have complaints about anything. Childhood – live and let others live.

                  I miss those days when my happiness had no boundaries when I get a new toy when the biggest perplexity was choosing a suitable color combination for my not-so-properly done drawing when I only get feared about getting punishment for not doing homework the next day when my only desire was to get exactly the same color box that my friend had got when I used to believe in magic, when I used to get obstinate to get my things done, when I used to do mischief and confessing it without any argument when my only demand was to get a ride with daddy and having ice cream on the way back, when I only used to get angry if someone touches my stuff. Life was simple and sorted, easier, and smoother. you can be the most stubborn, most naughty, and most annoying being, still, you don't harm others or no one gets angry with you. How fun!
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                  I want to learn from my younger self to actually live life. I want to learn everything again. I want to learn how to be friends with someone just by sharing a Tiffin box,  to forget yesterday's fight and moving on today, to believe in people just, at first sight, to always stay happy without any reason. How drastically things have changed! How I used to play in rain, making water boats and having a small boat race with other boats made by my friends, and how today I close the door of my balcony just by the noise of rain, now it seems noise, then it seemed music. How I used to respect teachers and today how I bunk their lectures only, how people used to calm me down when I was crying and how today I am hiding my tears with a fake smile on my face, how I used to be the happiest being of this world and start dancing on wearing my favorite pink frock and how today I am not satisfied with my wardrobe full of outfits that I myself choose, how I used to go out with my parents and compel them to buy me a balloon and how today I don't even have time for them, how stories seemed real and how today how even reality doesn't seem real!  How time has changed me!

       I again want to see this world like older times, with a child's vision, want to think about this world with just my heart and not mind. Where everything seemed so beautiful, so real. When I was a child I wanted to grow up and now when I am grown up I want to be a child again. My phone rang, got hit by reality, attended the call, and resumed my work heavy-heartedly.

Sunday 11 March 2018

Strengths and weaknesses


    A Sunday morning- Morning followed by a peaceful night after completion of the first session of exams. I woke up refreshed and revived. After getting done with gardening, I was all set with a mug of coffee and newspaper. I went through the news of terrorism, fraud, scandals, crimes, some amazing "life living" articles, technology track and much more. But what landed me into pondering pool was an amazing triggering article about an amputee. It comprised of his extraordinarily ordinary lifestyle. It was about how he manages to live on his feet, though technically he doesn’t have one. His daily routine composed of each and everything like any accustomed human. But, the prodigious thing is that he is a cubist painter! Yes, you read it right. he is a painter. He makes paintings by placing a pencil and paintbrush between his toes. He is alike in all ways other than physical appearance. One particular thing that he stated was really something that instigated me to think upon. He told that sometimes he is being asked, looking at his paintings no one could say that it was made by an amputee, so if you were an ordinary human you could have been an even greater painter, to which he replies calmly that he is in this position only because he is an amputee. He further said that "if I were normal I might not have put these much efforts in my work or rather I would not have a need to. And being an amputee I needed to put some extra efforts and that is what really colored my life and not just my paintings. My weakness made me stronger and my defect added an effect to my painting."
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     The last two lines of him "My weakness made me stronger, my disability became an ability and my defect added an effect to my painting." this made me contemplated. I got trapped in a maze of questions. What is our weakness? Have our strengths become our weakness?  Or do we ever make an effort to overcome our weakness or just find a loophole? Or do we realize the strength of our strength? Do we value what we have got or keep going after what we don't have? I was in a dilemma, considerable chaos. Actually, the problem is, we are great in looking at the invalidating side of everything, overlooking its positive side. We are so occupied with looking for low or bad things that we really miss out on all the good things. we fail to look at our strength and are busy making a thing our weakness which is not actually a weakness. It is a matter of human tendency. We don't really have those many real weaknesses compared to the weaknesses that are self-made or we consider as one. We are never grateful for what we have got and always keep complaining and nagging about what we have not. If we have got something bad, we want something good, if we have got something good, we desire for better, when we acquire better, we wish for best and this best remains best till someone else gets the same. After that best will fall down to good category. The point is, we care least about what we have. What we have is only our strength. In fact, we are busy making our strengths our weakness. Being so, we don't value ourselves being normal, being fully abled, being capable and competent. We generally pay no heed to our inherent senses and serviceable limbs. Because we have got it all. We nag about not having branded pairs of shoes, see an amputee and you will forget it all. Your body, your brains, and your heart are your real assets. Take good care of it. These are the treasures one can have.
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It is very unfortunate to know that it is generally a loss which develops the value of the thing. One's greatest strengths are a positive attitude, satisfaction, good health, and hard work. Because your life is only as good as your mindset.

Saturday 3 March 2018

Letter to son

Dear son,
                    Today is your 18th birthday and I was really looking forward to this day. Not because I intend to organize any surprise, nor I want to put any responsibility on your shoulders. You might be expecting some celebration and now you must be wondering what weirdest gift your dad is giving you. But my dear, this is priceless. Now, when you have grown up to legal age, I choose to give you a little piece of advice from my experiences.

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                  Son, you always joke that I love your sister more than you or I have been tougher on you. Yes, I have been tough, because she has got a special place in my heart. Then you, what about you, right? If she has got a special place in my heart than you are a piece of it, my dear. And I always wanted that a piece of my heart never breaks. Therefore, I've always tried to make it stronger to make you responsible, that was not my toughness, that was my affection, my care, my tenderness, my way of loving my son.  I always want to see you growing, see you bloom. You will not understand the feeling of being a father, son. You don’t know how special did I feel when you entered this world, when you entered my life, when I took you in my arms for the first time, a tiny little baby not even the size of my palms sleeping peacefully in my arms. That feeling cannot be described through words. When I touched you for the first time, the sense of victory that you are my blood, my son, my child, my possession, you really don’t know my son, you really don’t. I feel the happiest when I recall this feeling. You are the one who made me more responsible for making me a father. You made me a little more sensitive and a little tougher. When you were a child and were sitting on my shoulders roving, I was enjoying a lot, a lot more than you. When you off your bicycle and got a wounded your knee, your mom asked you to get aided and I asked you not to stop and continue with your ride. Because your mom wants to save you from all the pains and I want to prepare you for all of them. When you won even the smallest competitions in your school, I was the happiest, you will not know how ecstatic is to see your child doing well, your seed coming out as a plant. And now, when my plant is ready to take out its new branches, to transform into a tree. I want that tree to hold sweet juicy fruits along with glossy green leaves. I want you to be a person who is successful but gentle as well. So here I want to share a few things which I learned from my experiences, my grey days and my shiny days.
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Son, you will find a variety of people in your path, some will be there to lift you up and some to pull you down. You won’t always get a plain simple may come across some thorns too, and this is where the real test of life lies. You have to decide for yourself and recognize what is good for you and what is not. All this is very ambiguous. you may not make the right decisions always, failure may cross your path, learn from the failures,  failure is the best teacher, everything and everyone will teach you what to do and how to do, but only the failure will teach you what not to do. Always stay focused and enjoy your life to the fullest but never get deviated from your goals. Always give your best, no matter how small the thing is! Never give up on someone or something you love my dear, the path may be uphill and the battle may be tough but giving up is permanent. Seeing you on heights will make me the most blessed person. I will take pride in being called by your name my dear. Being your cheerleader is my favorite thing to do!

           Amidst all these, don,t forget about your inner growth and satisfaction. learn to stay satisfied, that does not mean you would not grow further or what you have is enough, it just means you will have to be patient enough for the things to come. You may sometimes feel shattered or broken and feel like crying, cry it out, its always okay to cry but it's never okay to run away. You will get people advising you, putting up their opinion and you have to listen to those, but do what you feel right, what your heart says and what is right, it's solely in your hands, what to believe and what not to. Never underestimate yourself, always have faith in you and always trust yourself because, if you will not then who will, son? Look out for a life partner who does not just give you all the happiness but always be your strength in your gloomy days. In front of whom you can cry on your sunny day and can dance with on your shiny days. Find friends who will always be there with you, if they can not bring you happiness, they will surely reduce your pain. If you are happy doing what you love having the people you love around you, then you are the richest person, my dear. A happy heart and a home filled with love should be your assets and you're supposed to keep them safe. Never ever hurt anyone’s emotions and always respect others. Mistakes happen in life, everyone does some, but trust yourself, try to correct your mistake. Remember, mistakes are always forgivable if one has the courage to accept them. Never forget people who have ever helped you. You have just got one life, live it rightfully, enjoy to the fullest, don’t forget your existence in this world has some purpose, and give meaning to your existence, give meaning to your life. This world is full of nice people, and if you don’t find one, be one.
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         You will not understand all the things I said but, try to inculcate these in your life. Whenever you are confused or in any dilemma, read this out and try finding your answer.  You have always made me proud, even when you were in your mother’s womb. You have always given me the reason to smile, a reason to be proud of. You must know your father will always be with you, no matter what. You must know that I will watch over you, will protect you and will love you even after I am gone, because you will always be my baby. I love you. Happy birthday once again.
 Love you,         
Your dad.