Friday 4 January 2019

New year resolution


I will get more fit and get into proper shape. Not going to bed before learning something new. No more risking of being unpunctual. Eat fewer calories. Make more money. Consume less alcohol, quit smoking. Travel to places. Sounds pretty much like new year resolutions, right?  

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I hope all of us polish it off successfully. This year, let us try to put few more pledges together. There are things which we usually don’t take into account while working on ourselves for turning  ‘prime’. Let's leave no stone unturned in achieving miles by achieving few more things like -

ü Call at least one friend once a week
Image result for calling friend
ü Try to help at least one person a day. If can’t, don’t forget to pray for him. This is the least every human can do

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ü Try to be as polite and as calm as possible with your mom and try to spend more time with your dad
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ü A short family trip once a year
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ü Catching up with friends at least once a month
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ü Adapting non judgemental listening and unbiased opinions as more as possible
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ü Start saving and investing
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ü Develop one hobby that keeps you physically fit, one to stay mentally fit and one that you just love

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ü Don’t fail appreciate good things and efforts
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ü Familiarize yourself with basic cooking
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ü Developing attitude of gratitude
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New year is all about new and better things. While running after the success and fame, these are the things which hold us when any of our feet falters. If we do no good to our near and dear ones, then it is all in vein! let us make it better surrounding for us and others.

Do good, work hard and sleep better!

Happy new year!

Image result for happy new year

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