Wednesday 4 September 2019

Meeting myself!

Standing in front of the mirror -

Image result for a man standing in front of mirror animatedReflection - “Hey, How are you man?”

Me – “I am good”

Reflection – “ Bro, no point in lying to me. I know you’re not fine.”

Me – “ I don’t know, what’s it but I don’t feel good, don’t feel satisfied.”

Reflection – “ You are frustrated. Frustrated on some people for doing this, on some people for not doing that. You have become so habitual with your frustration that 70% of your body is not water but frustration. Procrastination, and anger. LOL”

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Me – “ If you are here to make fun of me, then I am leaving. Bye”

Reflection – “ I have a solution to your problem. But it’s okay, you would refrain to talk about it. AS USUAL!! BYE!!!

Me – “yea okay, stop being melodramatic. Speak up.”

Reflection – “Okay, only because you insist. Buckle up for this. You have become too stubborn now and selfish too”

Me – “ Can you please elaborate? You have become so mean han”

Reflection – “Sure. When your friend/loved ones do something unexpected or something you don't like, you change your behavior abruptly. Okay, that shit hurts, I agree. But you don't handle it properly."

Me – “I don't mess things up easily, come on you know that. It takes me time but, eventually, I go back to them."

Reflection – " Yes, I appreciate that. But I am talking about your inner peace. Being frank, Initially, You behave unusually and when you are done satisfying yourself with your pricey behavior towards them. I know you try a lot, but you disturb your peaceful state in all these."

Me – “ yes, you are right ☹.”

Reflection – " All I am saying is put yourself in their shoes and try to understand their actions. It is not just for them, it is for your healthy happy state. Because you are going to go back to them anyway.”
Me – “ I shall try adopting this, genius.”

Reflection – “ ah, Happy realization! One more thing you will be happy to realize after practicing is the feeling of satisfaction and pride for yourself. It’s always about how you feel for yourself. LET GO OF YOUR EGO and you’ll be as light and happy as possible.”

Me – “ You have got a point dude, I must say!

Reflection – “ Well, Tell me something I don’t know 😉.”
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Me – “ So, Mr ‘I know everything’ tell me this – why do I stay unsatisfied or unhappy with life?’

Reflection – “ yes, you work like a machine, and then chill like a boss during vacation. Am I right?

Me – " Yes, I love that, a pro at both of the things."

Reflection – " Are you sure? Because that's exactly why you're here today, not-so-happy han Mr. ‘I know nothing'? your life lacks balancing. Either you are so lazy or so active, either so workaholic or an amazing procrastinator. There is just no balance.”

Me – “ True that ☹ ! The solution to this, sir?

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Reflection – “Why not, bro? when you were a kid there were 4 phases – morning, afternoon, evening and night. Now, you have got just two – day and night!! Why bro!! Have time for your loved ones and your hobby, come what may.

Pick at least two hobbies – one which keeps you fit and one which keeps you love and keeps you happy. Fitness is not just a healthy body, it’s a healthy mind too. Do something which keeps you fit daily and something which makes you feel good weekly. Try calling up your friends just to chit chat, it does not necessarily have a purpose always. Just the way your PRECIOUS cell phone needs to be charged, you also need a charge-up. The vacations you go out on are a total battery replacement. By then, you have to charge a battery regularly manh.

Me – “ Sadly, I agree with you. I am feeling so good after talking to you.”

Reflection – " Sure, in that case, add this too to your to-do list of ‘ Things I will try to do to keep myself happy' okay?"

Me – “ Sure thing, Never going to underestimate you ever again.”
Reflection – “ That’s my boy!”

Me – “ Okay, one more thing I want to ask is ..”

Reflection – “No more things! I am done for the day. Help yourself with this first, shall talk about other things next time.

Me – “ Okay, Thank you so much 😊”

Reflection – "Always there for you! Now please let me rest. Shooooo!!"

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