Thursday 27 September 2018

Being average!

Hello, world!

                       I hope all you human beings are doing (actually) good. I am AVERAGE, the major community on earth, and writing this to get rid of all the false notions that people have developed regarding me. I feel really low when you fail to perceive my beauty and genuineness and instead of accepting me the way I am, you have started digging out the ways to eradicate me. Probably, because you’re not aware of the “real me”. Let me project myself in a better way.

         I am average – the quality which everyone possesses in a majority of the tasks. I was born with you only and getting older with you. I am helping you do things better and in most convenient ways. I have slight animosity with my first cousin – dullness, and that is why I am not allowing him to reside in you, but at the same time I am his elder brother, so can’t just abolish his existence, but definitely trying to reduce it. I am the type of creature who is most adaptable and adjustable as well. I would give you enough space to play around me and to experiment with me. Most of the times I am enough for you, in fact, best for you, but you fail to realize my importance. You can communicate with every class,I will allow you to be yourself in all the ways possible.  I assure you that you will never feel ejected because of me. I make you content with your life only if you get acquainted with me in a real sense. I am a good boy who always makes sure that people surrounded by me are not sad at least, if not happy. I am a multitasker, I can take up many activities at a time and be good enough at it, if not the best. Also, I am not self-obsessed, in fact, I have got pretty mixing nature, I provide a room for every emotion to fit in, I allow you to be yourself in a true sense.  I am a gentleman, living for my girlfriend – satisfaction. She is way prettier and soothing, trust me. But, at times you people don’t let us stay together. You think I am not good for her and SHE DESERVES BETTER. But no, she stays happy with me only, if you think my way.  I am a flexible person with not many high expectations, so doing little good will make me happy, good for satisfaction, right? I don't demand much and just wants her to exist forever. But you people don't want me to be with her. Even though I offer you the room for yourself, your comfort zone, your existence, your desires, your progress everything, you still don’t like me.   I keep motivating you for better and pushing you forward towards better to meet my brother – excellence. He’s best among all of us, but very difficult to please and keep. He demands a great amount in terms of efforts but he's of supreme quality. I just love him, of course, he is decent to my girlfriend too. He’s superior to me in every possible way, but at the same time, he is pricey too. I am your good wisher, I want you to have him. But you're just being ridiculous, you don't want to work hard enough, and then blame me for everything. Wow! You desire my girlfriend – satisfaction but have issues with me? Oh hello, even she's a nice girl, accept me first, only then she will come to you, you fool. Excuse my language, but now I’ve had enough. I’ve tried enough to save myself and tired of hiding behind fake smartness. Stop losing the amazing you in order to avoid me and meet my elder brother. My brother will himself come to meet you if you accept me wholeheartedly, in fact, I would also help you in doing this. Just stop making anyone possessing me to feel low, and accept them the way they are. Don't fool yourself by not befriending me and running away from me, as your way to happiness, satisfaction and excellence pass through me only and I am here to make you a better person and nothing else.

             I hope now you will realize your worth, having me in you and don’t let yourself or anyone else regret about having me. Looking forward to the quick acceptance and good change

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,
Mr. Average.